Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Four Things

"Four Things" questionnaire has been circulating the blog world. I'm going to answer a few questions for fun:

Four movies I've watched more than once:
1. The Wedding Singer
2. Superbad
3. The Twilight Saga (yes all 4)
4. Forgetting Sarah Marshall 

Four places I've visited:
1. New York
2. Paris
3. Stockholm
4. Berlin

Four places I rather be right now:
1. Soaking up the invigorating energy of New York 
2. Wandering around aimlessly in Paris 
3. On a yoga mat
4. Getting a massage

Four foods I prefer not to eat:
1. Onions in any form 
2. Game meats - duck, squab, venison, kangeroo etc 
3. Processed/packaged/ready-made meals 
4. Liquorice 

Four of my favourite foods:
1. Nut butters
2. Artisan bread
3. Ice cream 
4. Coconuts & anything coconut related (coconut oil, coconut milk, coconut flakes)

Four TV shows I watch:
1. Top Chef
2. The Mindy Project
3. Giuliana & Bill 
4. Candidly Nicole

Four artists I'm listening to:
1. Beyonce
2. Sam Smith
3. Banks
4. Pharrell

Four things I'm always saying:
1. What the fuck! / what the fuck?
2. Totes
3. That's ridic
4. Thank you

Four memorable moments so far this year:
1. Sticking to my new year's resolutions
2. Working on Second Self
3. Seeing all my favourite artists live in concert
4. Road tripping

That was fun. Answer your own four things!

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